Grant Holders


This area of the website is for those projects that have been successful in attaining a grant from the Church and Community Fund.

How to drawn down grants from the CCF?

Once an applicant has been awarded a grant from the CCF they have two years* from the date of the acknowledgement letter to claim their grant or first instalment of their grant.

The applicant will need to send the CCF a signed funding agreement, a completed payment and project detail form and evidence that the project is underway. Employment projects should send a signed copy of the contract for the specific role that they applied for funding for. Projects that approached the CCF for funding towards general running costs, building work, purchase of equipment or anything else that can be invoiced should provide the CCF with a copy of the invoice for these services or materials.

Projects that are awarded grants over a number of years will need to request each installment of the grant every year as The CCF does not arrange grant installments to be paid automatically. This is to ensure that projects are still running and therefore still require their allocated funding.

*If your project is delayed and you are unable to draw down your grant within the two year period then you should contact us to make a case to extend the draw down period before the period expires. Whilst such extensions are not granted automatically, the Committee do seek to be accomodating when valid reasons for a delay are given.

It should be noted that projects should keep the CCF up to date with any changes in regards to contact details.

CCF Evaluation Process

Projects supported by the CCF are requested to participate in a light touch evaluation process. Applicants are asked within the online application form about their project’s objectives, how they aim to meet these objectives and for the outcomes that the project is anticipated to achieve. These initial answers are then taken forward and worked into the evaluation of each successful project.

Evaluation Glossary:

Objectives: “The planned areas of activities by which a project is going to achieve its aims.”

Outcomes: “The changes, benefits, learning or other effects that happen as a result of the services and activities provided by an organisation, project or programme.” 

Impact: “The change, effect or benefit that results from the services or activities on a wider society than its direct users. It is often long term, broad and sustainable…”

Once a grant has been awarded the grant holder is asked whether anything has changed with the project since the application for funding was submitted and if the grant was lower than expected, what implications this has on the project and evaluation. The CCF then requires each grant holder to submit an annual evaluation progress report tracking the progress of the project against the indicators stated in the original application.

A final stage of evaluation happens at one year after the final grant payment has been made to gauge how a given project has fared against its original objectives and perceived outcomes.

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